Along with education for life, instilling self-esteem ranks high on the list of many parents.That sounds like a noble goal, but it's easy to get carried away with it.
Perhaps, like me, you've heard some parents exclaim, with pride and even awe, "This generation knows so much more than mine ever did!"
Others frequently tell their child, "You're so smart!"
(Hmmm. From the child's point-of-view, why should this Einstein kid listen to an "inferior" parent?)
Even adults have difficulty staying balanced when they're constantly the center of attention. Why be surprised if a child begins to think the world revolves around him or her?
To be effective and productive even the brightest individuals need self-understanding and self-discipline. Developing those qualities takes awhile, for all of us. The usual process seems to be try and fail, make mistakes, gaining experience along the way. Humility comes in handy, too. Eventually we gain wisdom.
Knowledge does not equal wisdom. Wisdom is knowing what to do with the knowledge one possesses.
Wealth does not equal a happy life. Even if you possess both, your life could be an empty shell, never able to trust that anyone cares about you rather than your money.
People to love and who love you matter so much more and give meaning to life.
Something to live for provides a reason to get up every morning.
Real wealth, real peace, consists of knowing who you are and Whose you are.
Now, in the beginning of this school year, is a good time to remember that--and pass it on to our children. When we forget, we short-change them . . . and ourselves.
Here's to education and figuring out what counts,