As long as we're breathing, we can keep on learning and growing. As they say, life is full of surprises. I think that's exciting, don't you? Who would want to stay stuck?
For me, setting up this blog has kept me learning and growing for weeks. (See earlier post, "Looking on the world.") Since I'm figuring it out as I go along, continuing education is guaranteed. (Come to think of it, maybe that's another definition for living life.)
Until the end of August, I have an article running in a "webmag," a.k.a. "web magazine." (I'll give you the link in a minute.) Writing that came about because the subject matter ties back to one of those surprises in life. This one convinced me that God does, indeed, have a sense of humor.
How else would I end up writing a book for parents on talking to one's children about sex?
For those who don't know the story, I wrote the parent's book in the "Learning about Sex" series published by Concordia Publishing House (CPH). The Publishers' goal was to put out books that set forth truth and accuracy about sexuality within the framework of Scripture, presented in an easy, understandable way. Five would be for children and teens, and age-appropriate.
I agreed whole-heartedly with the concept of the Series and was excited about it, but writing that parents' book sounded like a daunting assignment. Concordia editors assured us six writers that our manuscripts would be thoroughly checked by knowledgeable people in child development, marriage and family counseling, in medicine, and in theology. Knowing I could call on them at any time, I breathed a sigh of relief ... and thanks.
Have you noticed that it's easier to feel confident before you begin a project than during?
Here's what followed. Every day for months I planted myself at my typewriter, often staring at the wall and wondering how I got myself into this. "Help me, Lord!" became the cry of my heart. My husband's support never lagged, thank God. Somehow I knew deep down I was where I was supposed to be. So I prayed and plugged along ... and made the CPH deadline.
I've never been so challenged in my writing, nor felt so good about the final product. Over the years Concordia has published three more editions of the Series. My book bears the title, How to Talk Confidently with Your Child about Sex. I've intended it to be both helpful and accurate, so each time I've revised text, checking and updating needed health statistics for my book. By now I've learned more than I ever wanted to know about STDs, teenage pregnancy and the like.
Late last fall the Concordia editor in charge called to say they planned a fifth edition of the Series. (You can guess what kept me busy over Christmas and into January of 2008.) The books came out in July, 2008. All along many talented, creative individuals have been involved in production, with appealing new illustrations and fresh formatting for this edition. (The books are available from, as well as many other sources.)
In another twist, this new edition led to me writing the webmag article I meantioned. It's titled, "Want to Know Who's Teaching Your Kids about Sex? Look in the Mirror!" If you want to check it out, you have until September 1, when it's due to be replaced. Go to this link: . Once there, look at the row of gray icons beneath the banner across the top. A click on the heart icon will take you to my article.
So it turns out the cliche saying is true. Life is full of surprises, from first to last, so let us rejoice! Otherwise life might be something like that movie, "Groundhog Day." Remember? The same day, the same thoughts, the same ways of coping ... over and over and over. I don't know about you, but I think that would be deadly dull.
Of course, some surprises we don't like much. Some disappoint us or cause us deep sadness. Whether they trouble us or zap us with unexpected delight, they remind us we're only human. When we forget that, we get out of balance. To quote one wise old woman I knew, "We go all calliwopsis."
So let's embrace it. Here's to living on tiptoe, poised for what comes next!