Every day children absorb messages about sex, either implied or in-your-face.
They soak them up from Mom and Dad. From TV cartoons and sitcoms. From the neighbors and from what teachers say and do, as well as from sex education classes.
Truths and errors drip into young minds. Kids fit them together like pieces of a puzzle and come up with their picture of what it means to be a "male" or a "female."
Prescription: Start early to lay a solid foundation
It's not possible to grab our kids and run because, well, we live in the world.
Our best strategy is to help our sons and daughters lay down solid footings on which they can build sound lives.
Call this equipping what it is: your privilege.
It's never too early and never too late. You will bless your children for life.
The idea is to make this part of casual everyday conversations. Help your children know the values you hold. Talk about the "whys" as well as the "what."
Arm your kids with the truth about sexuality and with right values. "Sexuality" and "sexual identity" go beyond body parts and sexual intercourse and involve the whole person. Males and females think differently and respond differently, both in body and mind.
Our Creator built that into us.
Are there variations between one male and another male? One female and another female? Of course, but none so striking as the differences between one gender and the other.
Mom and Dad are teaching all the time
Have you noticed that youngsters pay the most attention when you're not talking to them?
Your kids watch Mommy and Daddy and think that's how males and females are supposed to relate. When you treat each other with respect and speak well of each other, you give them a strong model to live by. Your love pats and long kisses bear witness that being married offers a lasting attraction.
What kids observe at home, day after day, outweighs whatever they may be taught in sex education classes.
Even teenagers, in numerous surveys, overwhelmingly name their parents as their most important influence.
What else can you do?
Make it a point to watch allowed television shows with your family, so you can help your kids catch innuendos and blatant sexual messages and identify sexy clothing. Talk about shows after they end. See if your kids picked up subtle messages and correct wrong impressions.
As you help your youngsters connect the dots they'll develop their own internal filters. Over time your children will begin to look and listen to life's pressures with better judgment, even when you're not around. They'll be wiser as they use their computer(s) and all the other techie marvels.
Tell it like it is
From the beginning, use the correct terminology. (If you're not sure what that is, buy a reliable book written from a Christian perspective.)
Whatever you say, frame it in the context of God's perfect design. If you read the first two chapters of Genesis, you'll notice He saved the best for last: Adam and Eve. Human beings. He told them to be fruitful and increase in number.
God saw all that he had made and it was very good. And there was evening, and there was morning--the sixth day. Genesis 1:31
As Christian parents, help your children develop God's view of sexuality. His good gift. Too precious to be squandered in thoughtless and casual ways.
Too wonderful to waste.
You can do it!
God gave you your children, more of his good gifts. He would not entrust you with your ohildren without empowering you for your task.
Peace and joy,