Suppose your child came home from school and asked you that question.
That could happen if you were the mom or dad of a student at Redwood Heights Elementary in Oakland, CA.
Why should you care?
What happened there--or a variation of same--is coming your way soon.
Here's the background, taken from Web and newspaper accounts. Last May 23rd and 24th, kids in all grades of Redwood Heights School were grouped by age, then instructed by Gender Spectrum trainer, Joel Baum. He told students, "It turns out there are not just two (gender) options."
Kindergartners learned about colors, toys and activities. Older students were taught what gender means and how it's expressed in different cultures.
Baum explained individuals can be more than one gender and have more than one set of sexual organs. He cited male sea horses, who can produce and care for offspring all by themselves. Youngsters were given information cards picturing single-sex geckos and "transgender" clown fish.
Chalk it up to "diversity training," part of the School's anti-bullying campaign..
California schools must institute a specific plan for diversity instruction and against bullying. Redwood Heights lessons were developed by Gender Spectrum, a San Leandro, CA, non-profit, and paid for by a $1500 grant from the California Teachers Union.
Parents could not opt their children out of these classes. (California state law permits that only for sex education classes.) Three Redwood Heights parents kept their kids home on the day(s) of the training.
(Note: I combed numerous Internet articles. A reporter sat in on classes, which enabled the quotes. The Associated Press also contributed to their article.)
Wait, there's more
Since Governor Brown signed SB 48 into law on July 14, 2011, California textbooks will have to change. This will affect all textbooks in all places, since publishers tailor their materials to their largest purchaser: California.
The "Fair Education Act" mandates that governing boards must adopt textbooks and teaching materials which "accurately portray the role and contribution" of lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender persons to the State and the Nation and that do not reflect negatively upon LGBT individuals. Instruction or school-sponsored activities that could reflect adversely upon LGBT individuals also are forbidden.
Existing law prohibitiing discrimination in any aspect covers charter and alternative schools. How this may affect home schoolers is not addressed.
This law affects the State Education code, too, which now replaces the word “sex” with “gender.” "Gender" now includes a person's gender identity and gender expression. "Gender expression" means "a person's gender-related appearance and behavior, whether or not stereotypically associated with the person's assigned sex at birth."
That means . . .
Whether a person checks "Male" or "Female" is a matter of choice, not body parts.
Inevitably, what's taught in schools affects our communities and our society, now or in awhile.
Are we paying attention? Are we letting our voices be heard?
Remember that family still trumps the school
As parents, you need not quake in fear, but you do need to be watchful.
You and I also need to be clear what we think about all this. Otherwise, we simply add to the bewilderment children and teens already feel. They'll need to be strong and clear-thinking if they're to withstand the constant drip-drip-drip of remarks and theories that probably contradict what your family stands for.
That makes it vital they understand who they are and know sound principles for living. If you're a Christian, you'll want them to be sure what the Bible teaches. You'll want to read verses together and talk about them. Let them voice their doubts and confusion. Reassure them.
Ground your kids with the Truth
There's no question cruelty, bullying, name-calling and intolerance are wrong. Christians have believed that from the beginning. No doubt you already stressed that with your children. What you'll do now is clarify and help them be sure what God says.
Here are two foundational verses to reinforce their sense of self:
So God created human beings in his own image. In the image of God he created them; male and female he created them --Genesis 1:27
For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. --Psalm 139:13-14
Be involved in your child's school and talk with the teacher(s.) Be reasonable and kind. You can be supportive without backing down on what you believe. If you wonder what you have to say to your children, remind yourself of the crucial issue:
If you don't talk about these sticky issues with your kids, they will only have what they hear in the classroom, on the playground and from the media to draw on.
Most of all, don't despair. God can use us, even when our knees are knocking.
Sorry this ran so long,