If you doubt that moms matter, ask any USPS employee groaning under a load of Mother's Day cards.
Everybody is somebody's child and this holiday prods us to send our mothers, stepmothers and grandmothers a card that communicates love.
Some of us feel like "invisible moms" and wonder if anyone notices what we do for them day after day. Mother's Day cards give us visible proof they do, at least for this one day.
Other moms feel guilty because they think they haven't lived up to the Mother's Day cards they received. All the hearts-and-flowers and gushy language seem meant for someone else.
Relax. Most of us moms do the best we can with what we know at the time
It's taken me years to understand I can't judge yesterday by what I know today. Sure, I made mistakes. We all do. But if I put on my kinder, gentler eyeglasses I sometimes marvel I didn't make more.
We forgive others. Let's forgive ourselves, too, and remember no matter how much we grow, we remain (imperfect) human beings.
Let the love flow
Sometimes problems develop in our relationships. Mother's Day provides a built-in excuse to reconnect. The familiar rituals of calling, sending cards and/or getting together can help heal strained relationships and restart communication. Let Mother's Day mark the turning point.
Our adult children usually live with crowded schedules. That means any opportunity to spend time with our children--and grandchildren--is precious and leaves us cheering.
Count me in that crowd. You may remember we have four children and eight grandchildren and time with any of them is my favorite thing. Anytime. Anywhere.
Why not give back?
Several years back I stumbled on a way to make the Mother's Day glow hang around for months. I know now this simple practice also helps our daughters and me to stay close.
It's not complicated or costly. Sometime before Mother's Day I shop for uncommon cards or note cards. Then I write each daughter an individual note, including items such as:
- What I think makes her unique and special
- Qualities I see in her that I appreciate and love
- What I admire about the way she lives her life
- A special memory of her from her growing up years
- Sincere thanks for her thoughtfulness and kindnesses to me/us, whether recent or in the past
I close each love note with a reminder that I pray for each of them and their families each day.
Wouldn't you and I have treasured receiving a note like that from our parents?
At different times each of our girls has said how much they look forward to getting their annual Mother's Day note from me and how often they reread it.
By the way, don't worry if your note doesn't arrive before Mother's Day. Your words will linger and bless your children every time they think of it.
Consider it one more way to make love visible:
Dear Children, let us not love with words or tongue but with actions and in truth. --1 John 3:18 (NIV)
Growing with you,