Maybe you're wondering what the color beige has to do with anything.
So did I the first time I heard that description. Our engaging conference speaker--sorry, can't remember her name--had us laughing. And sometimes squirming.
According to my scribbled notes, here's the gist of what she said:
"My friends, I'm here to say, 'Please don't go through life as a Beige Lady! Or a Beige Man!'
"Now don't get me wrong, most Beige Ladies and Men are wonderful people.
"They often work behind the scenes and they're very agreeable, so everyone likes them. What they don't do is speak up when there's a difference of opinion. You see, Beige Ladies--and Beige Men--don't like to make waves.
"What's wrong with being agreeable?
"Not a thing. The problem is, Beige Individuals, as nice and willing and dedicated as they may be, seldom change the world.
"That's a waste. Jesus told us to be salt and light, to 'season' the world we live in, and shine His light in the darkness around us.
"Salt inevitably affects the flavor of a food and even one lighted match sheds light into a dark place.
"God put us here to make a difference, right where we are
"Not by being loud or strident, but by being strong and at the same time, being winsome and considerate. At home, in our marriage and family. Out there, in our church and community.
"Jesus told us to be true to what we believe. But be forewarned, this may cost us, especially if we differ from prevailing opinion.
"That can make it feel safer to be a Beige Lady or a Beige Man and keep our mouths shut, just smile and blend in with the crowd. Yet God put us here to live out out Christ's purpose for us.
"Remember Ephesians 2:10? This verse says it all:
'For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.' -ESV
"My friends, God did not create us to be 'Beige People!' Like Queen Esther in the Bible, you and I were born for such a time as this. To change our world, to be salt, to be light. Now, let's get going!"
Immediately, the entire room was clapping and cheering. From then on, at every break people discussed what she said.
The hard stuff came at home, wondering how could I "change the world?"
Our speaker told us to start where we are and I set out to do that, nibbling off bits and pieces. One big discovery was the difference it makes to start my days right. How to do it?
- First thing in the morning, decide to be cheerful, even when life feels like one tough, dreary slog. Better yet, repeat this verse out loud:
This is the day the Lord has made; We will rejoice and be glad in it. --Psalm 118:24 -NKJV - Ignore the lousy mood(s) of people around you. Choose to respond with love and kindness instead of anger.
A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger. --Proverbs 15:1 -NIV - Pray for wisdom and strength beyond what you feel at the moment.
So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. --Isaiah 41:10 -NIV - Whether it's cultivating a happy home or daring to speak up when we feel outnumbered, our ever-present Helper is at our side.
In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. --Romans 8:26 -NIV - Expect to be changed--little by little--for the better.
But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. --Galatians 5:22 -NIV
What matters most is what we live out
Most of us know by now that words are cheap and actions carry way more weight with both children and adults.
The most effective way to influence our world is not by impressing people. Rather, it's about following Christ's example. Always, we rely on Him for strength and courage.
Meanwhile, we keep our eyes open for ways we can season the world around us with love and hope and faith.
This is not a slam on the color beige
As our speaker said, you and I were created to be more and do more than simply be nice and blend in.
Maybe that's easier than we think. We're mistaken if we think it's about our own strength and our own noteworthy accomplishments.
Rather, it's all about Jesus. He's the never-fail, always-with-us Light and power source and He changes us from the inside out. (Will we fail sometimes? Of course, because we're human. But in Jesus we're forgiven and free to start over.)
The bottom line for you and me as Christians: We can stop struggling to measure up and just relax in Jesus' love and grace.
Our part is to go about our daily lives and let His light shine through us. The rest is up to Him.
Rejoicing, too,