Have you ever said to yourself, "I wish something would happen!"
Consider that reckless thinking. That "something" may turn out to be scary.
Take the time I did my usual breast self-exam and felt a tiny lump the size of a BB. I didn't remember feeling anything before. Next came the mammogram, then the "maybe" verdict, then the biopsy.
Boy, did that un-bore me fast!
Thanks be, the final verdict pronounced it benign.
Sometimes it's a phone call you never wanted to have
Like the morning one of our daughters, college age, called with a plaintive note in her voice, "Is Dad there? I need to talk to him... ."
If you've had young drivers of your own you can guess the reason why. This time another driver, uninsured, had rear-ended her car. That young man pushed her into the stopped car ahead of her at a busy Los Angeles intersection. Now she was scared and stranded because her car had been towed away.
Thank God that although she was shaken up, she was spared serious injuries.
In the weeks of repair time that followed the rest of us were one car short. One "benefit"--nobody at our house was bored.
More bad news came a couple of weeks later
A weighty, cream-colored envelope arrived. It bore the name and prestigious address of a Beverly Hills attorney. He wrote to inform us his firm was representing the other driver, someone with an unpronounceable name who was in the U.S. on a student visa. The bottom line of that letter? They intended to sue our daughter.
Can you imagine our outrage? Our daughter was panicked and we weren't far behind as we ran through all the what ifs that came to mind.
At last came common sense and we contacted our insurance company.
End of story.
Periods of fear and uncertainty can happen to us all
Those are the times we wish we could go back to yesterday or the day before.
Back to a day when if someone asked, "How was your day?" we could answer, "Oh, it's been just a normal day, kind of boring, really. Nothing much happened."
If we've had a lengthy string of days like that we may even feel a bit sorry for ourselves. After all, don't we deserve a bit of excitement of our own?
Been there, done that--and it never brings me joy to start going down that track.
Words to lift our spirits
I have no idea who Mary Jean Iron is, but I think her words pack a hefty meaning.
Normal day, let me be aware of the treasure you are. Let me learn from you, love you, bless you before you depart. Let me not pass you by in quest of some rare and perfect tomorrow.
In verse 24 of Psalm 118 we find the unshakable reason to consider every day a good day:
This is the day that the LORD has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it.
I'm thinking these two together amount to great advice because one fact is inescapable. This day is the only day we really have.
So whatever else is going on--or not going on in our days, let's rejoice that we're still breathing, still standing. Let's thank God we're alive and celebrate every minute of every day!
Blessings and peace and joy,