That's bad grammar, I know,
but the phrase imprinted itself on my mind ever since I attended an anti-stress workshop years ago. The leader began with those words and had us repeat it after him, again and again.
It's not a bad slogan for beginning a new year, especially after a year that featured lots of what someone labeled "stinkin' thinkin" on all sides.
Borrowing from that workshop leader, I say, "Enough, already!"
If we adopted that technique it would work like this
The leader would ask, Do you think it's hopeless because you lack some essential qualities to reach your goals? He had an answer: God don't make no junk!
Are you going through a rough patch in your marriage or in your job? Well, cheer up. God brought you and your spouse together and provided that job. And God don't make no junk!
Are you feeling in beyond your depth with being a mom or a dad? Never mind. God obviously considers you able to handle it or He wouldn't have made you a parent. Besides, God don't make no junk! Count on Him to supply wisdom as you need it and strength for each day.
Do you struggle with health problems? Do you or one of your kids have physical or mental challenges and you worry about what comes next? Take heart, you'll be able to handle it, because God don't make no junk!
A look into what this means
I thought of that workshop when I watched this wonderful YouTube a friend sent. Every time I play it, I smile through a few tears.
And can you hear those words? God don't make no junk!
I suggest we adopt a new slogan for 2013, one we can pull up anytime we're feeling unsure about life or the future.
God don't make no junk--and He don't make no mistakes, either.
You and I can walk unafraid, confident we'll be able to handle whatever comes.
For proof we can go deeper than that catch phrase and turn to Bible verses like this one, Psalm 29:11:The LORD gives strength to his people; the LORD blesses his peoople with peace.
"His people" includes any of us who love the Lord, so this promise is for us, too.
Thanks for stopping by, my invisible friend. Hope you found something here that blesses your heart.
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