Found! A Simple Way to Improve Your Mood

Let me pass on a lesson I learned along the way--and isn't that the way we all learn?   

I'm making progress because awhile back a new friend said, "You always wear the hint of a  smile. What's Dreamstime_xs_40781191your secret?"

I thanked her for that delightful compliment, of course. Right then I couldn't come up with anything better than a glib "Well, I guess I have a lot to smile about." 

Later on an incident from years ago popped into my head and suddenly I knew the answer to that question.

It sounds strange, but sometimes big truth comes from unlikely sources.

On that ordinary, life-changing day I was so completely focused on my list I didn't really look at the other shoppers milling around me

That is, not until one of them stopped me by tapping me on the shoulder. The tiny elderly lady looked concerned as she said, "'Excuse me, Honey, but you look so sad I had to stop. Is there anything I can do for you?"

Sad? Me? Baffled, I said something like, "I'm sorry, ma'am, but what do you mean?"

"Well, judging by the expression on your face, I figure you must be dealing with something really heavy. I'm so sorry! Just wanted to tell you things hardly ever are as bad as they seem. So cheer up, Dearie, and never, ever  give up hope!" 

With that she smiled again, then patted my shoulder and scurried away.   

I stood there speechless

All I could think was, what on earth was she talking about?

A few steps later I ran into my reflection on a mirrored pillar near me and took a hard look. I did look, well, grim. As much as I hated to admit it to myself that little lady wasn't exaggerating.

I heard her words in my mind for days. So did the question that refused to be stilled: What do I communicate to others around me?

Always before I thought of myself as a happy person. Now I couldn't escape the obvious: That's probably not the message the people around me picked up. 

What could I do? 

I decided to start with the way I deliberately set my lips, even when I was alone.  

Just as importantly I would pay attention to the words coming out of my mouth. 

Now I had a plan. From that moment on I would 

  • wear a happy expression
  • look for the good and
  • speak encouragement.

I soon decided that wouldn't matter unless I lived it. If I wanted this to become a habit, my new behavior had to be all day, every day.

So I paid careful attention to the expression I wore. To my surprise, before long I didn't need to remind myself so often.  

I also concentrated on looking for and speaking the good. Soon that became more routine, too--but I still have to watch myself.

Always, always it's easier to sink into a down mood than to stay in an up mood.

Nothing changed, but everything changed

Before long I realized I was more fun to be around, even for myself. My same old, same old life felt happier, too.

Could it be this simple?

All I know is that old song holds some real meaning:  

"Put on a happy face...and you will be happy, too." 

It's not the whole truth, for sure, but it's a beginning. 

Like that tiresome saying, you can't journey a thousand miles if you never take that first step.

Looking for Bible backup?

For me, "thinking good thoughts" won't keep me going for long. Here's one specific verse that speaks to the subject. 

A glad heart makes a cheerful face, but by sorrow of heart the spirit is crushed.  -Proverbs 15:

There's more, of course. Whatever our situation, we Christians always have reason to smile. 

For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life.  -John 3:16

But God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.  -Romans 5:8

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him.  -Romans 15:13

With love and prayers,

December 15, 2024

December 07, 2022

June 25, 2022

April 30, 2022

December 16, 2021


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About "Godly Moms: Strength from the Inside Out"

  • Order my book, "Godly Moms"
    I packed this book with pointers drawn from life as a mother of four. Short, down-to-earth pieces that flow from life as a Christian mother of four. An easy, quick read anytime that will leave you stoked for your calling.