When It Seems the World is in Turmoil, What Are We to Think?

News reports from here on USA soil or overseas make it plain that anger, division and hatred Blog. woman. sky. 11.2023are all around us. Whatever argument may be raging--or be quietly discussed and analyzed--people seem to have chosen sides.

Even friends and family members walk on eggs around each other, afraid to voice their opinions out loud.

It's fair to say it often looks and sounds more like we are the Divided States of America.

What happened to national unity?

Once every American schoolkid heard over and over that the United States was the great melting pot, the one place on earth where it didn't matter what your name was or where you came from or how much money you had. The dominating mindset was:   

We are Americans! We are one! 

Pair that with another commonly accepted theme: Human beings are flawed, incapable of always being right. 

Any person who ever examined their personal record understands this is basic, timeless truth. (Ever resolved to avoid eating chocolate--or your favorite snack--for a week? Or a month?)

 As one old-timer put it, "Ain't no perfect people anywhere. Anytime."

Time for a vision check 

How can we admittedly imperfect people nevertheless live out our faith effectively? Jesus answered that question many times. Here's one example, Matthew 5:13-16:  

"You are the salt of the earth. But what good is salt if it has lost its flavor? Can you make it useful again? It will be thrown out and trampled underfoot as worthless. You are the light of the world--like a city on a mountain, glowing in the night for all to see. Don't hide your light under a basket! Instead, put it on a stand and let it shine for all. In the same way, let your good deeds shine out for all to see, so that everyone will praise your heavenly Father."  

Being salt and light doesn't mean we constantly barge into conversations in an effort to ensure our opinions dominate. Rather, we are to be gentle and kind in our conversations with friends, coworkers and family members. 

Dictionaries define gentleness as being considerate and kind in how we relate to others and to concentrate on what is good--and let that be enough.

Now as always, the work of convincing and converting rests with the Holy Spirit. 

Spreading light into the darkness 

Set aside headline news for a moment and consider foundational truths about our Nation:    

  1. We the citizens have the right to vote and elect our President, Vice President, Senators and Representatives and other governing officials. 

  2. We have the right to complain about those we elect at the National, State or local level of Government without fear of being dragged off to a work camp. 

  3. We have the right to work for any employer who will hire us. Own any car we can afford. Live in any house we can pay for in any State we choose.

  4. We are free to worship God and to form our own opinions. Every single one of us, agree or disagree.

Is America perfect? Not by a long shot. Is America more good than bad? Yes

If we focus only on the flaws in our society and in people and in other cultures in our world, we cheat ourselves, our families and the people in our lives.  

God put you and me right where we are, among the people in our lives, just so we can be salt and light. Now. Here. 

As someone has said, if we're alive and breathing it's a sign that God still has a purpose for us. A reason to go on.

Last, but never least ...  

We are to pray for all those who are in authority, that they would have--or at least exercise--integrity and good judgment. 

Let us pray that truth will prevail, in government, in education at every level, and in the hearts and minds of the people of this Nation.  

Perhaps even more important, let's remind ourselves that ultimately, freedom is a matter of the heart and mind.

[Jesus said] "So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed."  John 8:36  ESV

As clear-thinking adults, let's not get caught up in what is divisive. Rather, may we focus on what is good and right and true. We cannot bring peace in the world all by ourselves, but we can be up-builders in the place where God has planted us. 

Praying too,  


June 28, 2013

October 25, 2012

May 27, 2012

December 04, 2009


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