We've all lived it. Times when we felt numb and hopeless, for whatever reason.
Right now some of us might blame it on taking in too much of what's going on around us in connection with the 2024 U.S. elections.
Angry talk, accusations and division fill the air--and every kind of media or social platform we turn to. Even friends and family members walk on eggs around each other, afraid to voice their opinions out loud.
It's fair to say it often looks and sounds more like we are the Divided States of America.
What happened to national unity?
From the beginning every American schoolkid heard over and over that the United States was the great melting pot. This was the one place on earth where it didn't matter what your name was or how much money you had. Whether you were born here or in another country and arrived via legal immigration.
No wonder the national mindset could be summed up like this:
We are Americans! We are one!
Also in that time everyone understood the truth of what we still say today: "Nobody's perfect."
Hardly anyone argued with that, being well-acquainted with their own repeated failures to keep their good resolutions.
As one old-timer put it, "Ain't no perfect people anywhere. Anytime."
Let's get our brains in gear
Let's set aside the charges and counter-charges for a moment and focus on some unique, foundational truths about our Nation:
- We the citizens have the right to vote and elect our President, Vice President, Senators and Representatives and other governing officials.
- We have the right to complain about those we elect at the National, State or local level of Government without fear of being dragged off to a work camp.
- We have the right to work for any employer who will hire us. Own any car we can afford. Live in any house we can pay for. In any State we choose.
- We are free to form our own opinions. Every single one of us, agree or disagree. Free to worship God--or remain skeptical.
This is rare. Shouldn't that fact give us the right to be proud of these United States of America?
Is America perfect? Not by a long shot. Is America more good than bad? Yes
If we focus only on the flaws in our society and in people and in our world, we cheat ourselves, our families and the people in our lives. There is so much more.
Like most Christians, I believe God put you and me right where we are, among the people in our lives. Why? Only He knows the full story. What if His purpose is so we can speak what is true and be a blessing? Here. Now.
As someone has said, if we're alive and breathing it's a sign that God still has a purpose for us. A reason to go on.
What can one person do?
Those of us who are Christians believe we are to pray for all those who are in authority, that they would have--or at least exercise--integrity and good judgment.
We all can pray that truth will prevail, in government, in education at every level, and in the hearts and minds of the people of this Nation.
Just as importantly, let's remind ourselves that ultimately, freedom is a matter of the heart and mind. As a Christian I believe this verse points the way:
[Jesus said] "So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed." John 8:36
For all of us, as clear-thinking adults, let's not get caught up in what is divisive. Rather, may we focus on what is good and right and true.
That does not mean constantly barging into conversations in an effort to ensure our opinions dominate. Rather, we are to be gentle and kind in our conversations with friends, coworkers and family members.
We cannot bring peace in the world all by ourselves, but we can be up-builders in the place where God has planted us.
NOW is the time!
If you have not registered to vote, do it NOW because the deadlines are upon us.
I implore you that between now and November 5 you would weigh the evidence and evaluate each candidate. Make up your own mind. Then be sure that you cast your vote--for your well-considered choices. Follow the instructions in your State, but get that vote in--and be sure it gets counted.
Let's not waste our privilege as citizens of this much-blessed Nation.
Humbly and lovingly,
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